Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement

Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

The Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement is a document that provides detailed guidance on how to use the grant agreement template under the Horizon Europe framework program. The framework program is the European Union`s flagship research and innovation program, designed to support researchers, scientists, and innovators in their work across Europe and beyond.

The grant agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions under which the grant is awarded. It specifies the rights and obligations of both the grant recipient and the European Commission (EC), which is the funding agency. Without the grant agreement, the recipient cannot receive funding or undertake the project.

The annotated model grant agreement provides additional details and explanations on the various clauses and provisions included in the grant agreement template. It is a useful resource for beneficiaries, providing insight into the interpretation, implementation and enforcement of grant conditions.

Why Is the Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement Important?

The Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement is an important resource for several reasons. Firstly, it provides clarity and transparency on the requirements, eligibility, and obligations of grant recipients, which can be complex and at times difficult to navigate. Secondly, it enables beneficiaries to understand the expectations of the EC on project results, budgetary management, and reporting. Thirdly, it helps to ensure that grant recipients are compliant with EU regulations, laws, and ethical standards.

What Does the Annotated Model Grant Agreement Cover?

The Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement covers several topics, including:

1. Eligibility criteria: The agreement outlines the requirements that are necessary to be considered eligible for a grant. This includes criteria such as the project`s objectives, the beneficiaries, the type of activities to be carried out, and the budget.

2. Funding: The agreement specifies how much funding will be provided, how it will be distributed, and when it will be delivered. It also explains what expenses are eligible for reimbursement.

3. Reporting: The agreement details the reporting obligations of the recipient, including the frequency and format of reporting.

4. Intellectual property: The grant agreement addresses the management of intellectual property rights for the project outputs and how it will be exploited.

5. Ethics: The grant agreement ensures that the project is aligned with ethical principles and does not harm human beings or the environment.

6. Audit and inspection: The agreement outlines the EC`s right to inspect and audit the project to ensure compliance with the grant agreement and EU regulations.


In conclusion, the Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement is a crucial document for beneficiaries of the Horizon Europe framework program. It provides guidance on the interpretation, implementation and enforcement of grant conditions, ensuring compliance with EU regulations, laws, and ethical standards. If you are a recipient of a Horizon Europe grant, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the annotated model grant agreement and consult with experts in the field to ensure your project`s success.

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