An Oral Agreement Was Reached

An oral agreement was reached is a commonly used phrase in legal documents. It is used to indicate that two parties came to an agreement verbally without any written documentation. In this article, we will explore the importance of oral agreements, their validity in court, and how they can impact your business.

The Importance of Oral Agreements

Oral agreements are an essential part of business dealings. They are often the first step in creating a legally binding contract. They are also useful when parties are unsure about the terms of the agreement or when a written contract is not practical.

Oral agreements can be used in various situations, such as hiring employees, negotiating prices, and agreeing to sell or purchase goods or services. They are commonly used in small businesses and startups where a written contract may not be feasible.

Validity in Court

The validity of an oral agreement in court depends on several factors, including the nature of the agreement, the parties involved, and the evidence presented. In general, oral agreements are legally binding, but they are difficult to enforce without proper evidence.

To prove the existence of an oral agreement, the parties involved must provide evidence, such as witness testimony, emails, or text messages. The judge will then consider the evidence and determine if the agreement is valid and enforceable.

Impact on Your Business

Oral agreements can have a significant impact on your business. They can create legally binding obligations and affect your business relationships. If you are not careful, you may find yourself in a dispute that could harm your business.

To avoid disputes, it is essential to be clear about the terms of the agreement. If possible, document the agreement in writing, even if it is just a simple email confirming the terms of the agreement. This will provide evidence in case of a dispute and reduce the risk of misunderstandings.


In conclusion, an oral agreement was reached is a phrase commonly used in legal documents to indicate that parties came to an agreement verbally without any written documentation. While oral agreements are legally binding, they are difficult to enforce without proper evidence. As a business owner, it is essential to be clear about the terms of the agreement, document the agreement in writing if possible, and seek legal advice if necessary to avoid disputes that could harm your business.

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