Chris Cutrone discusses the meaning of the 2024 election and his feelings after attending the DNC. In the second half Doug and Chris continue to explore the Campaign for a New Socialist Party.
Chris Cutrone with Doug Lain on laying groundwork for a new socialist movement and party
Chris Cutrone discusses the prospects for socialism in America, how Sublation could become a “Committee of Correspondence” for a “proto-party,” and how he interprets the Trump and Harris Presidential Campaigns. In the 2nd half, Cutrone spells out what will be necessary to build a socialist party in America.
Chris Cutrone with Doug Lain and Ashley Frawley on the need for a new socialist party
Chris Cutrone discusses his pre-political project, the Campaign for a socialist party in the U.S., with Doug Lain and Ashley Frawley. In this week’s Sublation Media stream we re-evaluate the “culture war” as a form of “catch-all” politics, and announce our intention to create a proto-party internationally.
11 Theses on the Campaign for a socialist party in the U.S.:
Chris Cutrone with Doug Lain on the 2024 U.S. Presidential election
Chris Cutrone discusses the 2024 U.S. Presidential election with Douglas Lain. Who is Kamala Harris? Is she Gen-X? Was Trump even shot? What is the Deep State?
Chris Cutrone with Benjamin Studebaker, Doug Lain and Ashley Frawley on the 2024 election, politics and the “Left”
Ashley Frawley joins Doug Lain, Chris Cutrone and Ben Studebaker to discuss American politics, the rise of Donald Trump, and the state of the Left.
Chris Cutrone with Doug Lain answering critics on Bonapartism etc.
In this episode of the CutroneZone, the Last Marxist responds to Benjamin Studebaker’s essay, “Beyond Bonapartism: Breaking statephobic thought taboos.” Does Marxism’s political theory hold water?
Chris Cutrone with Jack Ross and Doug Lain on post-neoliberalism and post-Zionism
Jack Ross joins Chris Cutrone and Douglas Lain for a special edition of the CutroneZone on Israeli politics.
Chris Cutrone with Doug Lain on the Trump verdict and the “Left”
This week’s CutroneZone includes his interpretation of the Trump verdict and how we should understand bourgeois law and the rights of the accused.
Chris Cutrone with Nicholas Kiersey on The Death of the Millennial Left and Marxism and Politics
(Video starts at 7:29:00)
Chris Cutrone discussed his books The Death of the Millennial Left and Marxism and Politics with Nicholas Kiersey in the Department of Political Science at the University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley.
Book talk on Marxism and Politics at University of Chicago

On April, 4th 2024 as a part of its 2024 International Convention, the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a book talk from Chris Cutrone for his upcoming book Marxism and Politics: Essays on Critical Theory and the Party 2006ā2024 at the University of Chicago. Preview available at:
Chris Cutrone is the last Marxist. He teaches Critical Theory at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Institute for Clinical Social Work and completed his PhD on Adorno’s Marxism at the University of Chicago, where he taught for many years in the Social Sciences Core Curriculum, and is the original lead organizer and chief pedagogue of the Platypus Affiliated Society. He is the author of Marxism in the Age of Trump (2018), The Death of the Millennial Left: Interventions 2006ā2022 (2023) and Marxism and Politics: Essays on Critical Theory and the Party 2006ā2024 (2024).